Health Office

Triad Math and Science Academy

Elementary Campus: 600 Industrial Ave., Greensboro, NC 27406

Phone: (336) 763-2771, fax: (844) 365-8672

Main Campus:  700 Creek Ridge Rd., Greensboro, NC 27406

Phone:  (336) 676-5350, fax: (336) 621-0072

If your child is not feeling well he/she will not perform well in the classroom.  When students miss too many days of school, they fall behind and struggle to keep up with their content and skills.  Whether their absences are due to illness or another reason, the end result for the student is the same -- learning time is lost. Below are some guidelines to help.


Symptoms and Illness

Should My Child Go To School?

Parent is sick, stressed, or hospitalized

Yes -- If the parent is sick, your child needs to attend school. Your illness does not excuse your child from attending.

Child doesn’t want to go to school

Yes -- These concerns should be addressed with the school staff.

Cold Symptoms/Seasonal Allergies

Yes -- If your child is able to participate in school activities send him or her to school.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

The white of the eye is pink and there is often a thick yellow/green discharge. The eye is crusted/closed shut.

No -- If there is significant drainage from the eye or it is matted, the child should see their healthcare provider. Your child can be at school if the pink eye is related to SEASONAL ALLERGIES.

Menstrual Cycle Issues

Yes -- Most of the time menstrual cycle (period) issues should not be a problem.  If they are severe and interfering with your daughter attending school, consult with health care provider.


Oral temperature 100 degrees or higher within last 24 hours

No -- If your child has a fever of 100 or higher, keep them home until the fever is below 100 for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication)


Frequent, loose, or watery stools

No -- If your child has 2 or more loose stools during the night or in the early morning and he/she has a fever and/or vomiting, please do not send them to school. 


Child has vomited 2 or more times in a 24 hour period

No -- Keep your child home until the vomiting has stopped for 24 hours.


Severe uncontrolled, rapid coughing, wheezing or difficulty breathing

No -- Keep your child home and contact a healthcare provider. If symptoms are due to asthma, provide treatment according to your child’s Asthma/Health Care Plan and when symptoms are controlled, send your child to school.

Rash or Skin Sores

No -- If a rash spreads quickly, is not healing or is oozing, you should keep your child home and have him/her seen by a healthcare provider.

Keep an open line of communication with school staff, teachers and medical staff.  The more the school knows about your child’s health, the better prepared everyone will be to work together for your child.

Please inform teachers and the front office of any changes in home or work telephone numbers.  If you are not able to pick your child up, list another adult as an emergency contact.

** We do not administer medication to students under any circumstances without proper doctor documentation. A parent note is not sufficient documentation; it must be from a doctor. (This includes over the counter medications, such as, Tylenol, cough drops, allergy relief tablets, etc.)